Irregular’s Intel – A Change of Attitude, A Change of Altitude

For the last couple of weeks I’ve noticed that, regardless of how my day has been or what is happening to me or in my life, I have felt great, I’ve been in a really good place about things. I know that part of it is having a BiPAP (my lungs!) and actually having quality rest, but I feel like it is more than that. My overall attitude about life has changed. I feel more positive than I have in a long time and I feel the momentum in other parts of my life. 

Generally, I don’t talk about my work here. I like to reserve this space for geeky subjects or personal reflection. But I have noticed that I actually care more about work… and, as a result, the added positivity has flowed even moreso into my personal life. What I am saying is that a positive attitude can be contagious. I know that people like to roll their eyes at people who are vocal about their positivity, but you know what? There so much crap in the world, it’s good to see people who want to do their part to reverse the tide.

I’m not saying that if you’re positive bad things won’t happen – trust me, they will. But they won’t bother you as much. You will become a problem solver instead of a complainer. You’ll see a situation that you don’t like and will either do what you can to change it or remove yourself from it. You will take control of your destiny… you will become your own hero! In light of all the challenges that are out there today, do yourself a favor and try a little positivity. You’ll be shocked at what it will do for you.

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