Irregular’s Intel – In Defense of Captain Jack


When I hear the name Captain Jack two people come to mind. The first is a pirate and owner of the Black Pearl. The second is a Time Agent, owner of a Vortex Manipulator, and part time companion to The Doctor. It is the latter that I write about today.

Captain Jack Harkness is a bit of a hedonist. He admits freely that he is attracted to any and everyone. Ok, that is an established fact, but I do not believe that the man( I use the term “man” to describe him based on the reactions of his conquests…this is still a family site, I can’t go further than that) is solely motivated by his passions. I believe that Jack Harkness is a genuinely friendly fellow and his intentions are grossly misunderstood. In many of the Doctor Who episodes that he appears in, his introductory line is or a variation of “Hi, I’m Jack!” to which someone usually scolds him for flirting! Poor Jack, he’s just a friendly fellow. It is not his fault that he has charm and charisma that goes off the scales. It isn’t his fault that he has a drive that won’t quit. But, to accuse the man of always being on the hunt, that is just unfair.

9ee66a07a2e8a8ca7bea692d5f6a1dd4402cf7c3Jack is a man of action and is capable of more than a slap and tickle. I mean, he has slept with only one member of the Torchwood Institute, after all. And, he controlled his attraction to Gwen to respect her relationship, even though he could have had his way and consequences be damned. See, Captain Jack Harkness is well aware of who he is, but does not give in to his desires wantonly. OK, maybe he has given in to those desires more than a few times, but he is not a slave to them.

Why am I writing this, you ask? Because, I have been accused of the very same thing, that my “Hi” is not just a greeting. I have been told that I flirt when I don’t even realize it. But, you must understand, I am a gentleman. It is not my fault that guys do not know how to relate without coming across as oafish. And, based on the opinions of others, my charm may be considerable, I do not see it as such. I am merely an man living in a time where there are fewer gentlemen and that number is rapidly decreasing. So, Captain Jack Harkness, I salute you and understand the reality of your struggle!

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