Irregular’s Intel – No Apologies

There are a few things that have been on my mind in recent weeks and I have struggled with whether I should write about them here. This is a “mostly” geek blog and I know that people get tired of being inundated with the 24-hour news cycle and the endless screaming from both sides. I get that, but I would be doing a disservice if I just played along like all is well in Geek World. Well, it’s not! There’re some hinkey things afoot in our corner of the world and I’m not OK with it. 
You would think that the geek community would serve as a refuge from the ugliness of the world, but unfortunately that’s not true. We have rampant inequality, vitriol and pure, unmitigated discrimination. I have been guilty of sitting by the sidelines because I didn’t want to get “too political”, but if we see the ugliness and don’t call it out, we’re part of the problem. I can’t do that anymore. The silence empowers the perpetrators.

So, this blog, though still geeky, may not be as “fun” as it usually is. It bothers me that I am becoming numb to the negativity and a news story about people being decent to each other just tears me up. I want it to be the opposite – I want there to be so much good news that it is no longer news. Until we get to that, I am doing my part for the Resistance. There’s ugliness in our community and it needs to get the eff out!