Irregular’s Intel – We All Have A Super Power

Ok, think about Steve Rogers, Billy Batson and Bruce Banner. What do they all have in common? They all experienced one HELL of a body transformation when they got their powers. Steve was frail, but once he got the Super Soldier Serum and was hit with Vita Rays, he became Captain America. Billy Batson is just a kid until he utters a magic word and becomes SHAZAM! And Bruce banner is an average sized man until he becomes angry and transforms into The Incredible Hulk. 

What do we have in common with them? Our bodies can transform, too. It is not as instantaneous, but the results can be pretty spectacular. I took a moment to look at myself and how my clothes fit me, how different my face is now – I honestly feel like a completely different person. I even have to learn how to move in my new body! And I know several others who have experienced the same thing. So, yeah… we all have the power to transform ourselves and make ourselves appear how we wish. With some patience and a little work, it becomes a study in fiction becoming reality.