Irregular’s Intel – When Geek Gives Back

Earlier this year, I was given the opportunity to help a young geek with a school project. He is interested in the comic industry and a dear friend, knowing that I am a huge comic fan and cohost of the Mighty Marvel Geeks podcast, asked if I would be willing to help? I said yes and I am glad that I did! 

Through the process of answering the young man’s questions I found that I truly enjoyed helping him understand the process that goes into producing a comic. As a result of our conversations, I learned that he was rather familiar with certain aspects of comic history and seemed to have a genuine love for the medium. His questions ranged from the legal and copyright aspects to the amount of time it took to produce one issue. Honestly, I’m pretty sure the answer to that one surprised him! At any rate, I learned that not all younger comic fans have gotten their knowledge via social media.

By time you read this I will have attended the young geekster’s presentation and have given him a gift from the Intrepid Trio in hopes that it will encourage him to continue in his pursuit. What seemed like an opportunity to help someone get an inside look at an aspect of the comic industry became something more. I am a changed man by this experience and, as much as I would love to get to do this again, I am extremely thankful for this opportunity to influence a young mind.