Into the Unknown – Black Knight Satellite

UnknownLogoThis week I hopped on board of the black knight satellite. What is it? Where did it come from? Let’s look into the conspiracy theories. There is so so much information out there. I am only going to scuff its tip.

The Black Knight Satellite is an unknown odd, object that orbits the Earth in near-polar orbit, (it does screw with people by changing it’s orbit close to daily). So is this a space ship? The Scullys of the world say it is a blanket lost in space during STS-88. I always thought that if something like that would be sucked up and get crushed like discarded piece ofbks1 paper, not be able to hold a permanent shape or orbit.

According to UFO conspiracy theorists, the Black Knight is an “alien satellite which hasbeen orbiting Earth for 13,000 years”, however, the mythical object is most likely a combination of several disconnected stories, according to senior education support officer Martina Redpath of Armagh Planetarium in Northern Ireland:

The Black Knight could be an odd mix of unrelated stories; reports of unusual science observations, authors promoting fringe ideas, classified spy satellites and people over-interpreting photos from US Government projects like Blue Book, Sign and Grudge. It’s like taking dinner ingredients that were all chopped up, stirred together and allowed to stew on the internet to make one rambling and inconsistent dollop of myth. I guess the only way to prove it, is to not be lazy and stop relying on what the Government chews up and spits out for us to digest. I say keep your eyes to the sky but only if you are not driving.

Photo of a thermal blanket let go from the International Space Station during STS-88, claimed by conspiracy theorists to be the Black Knight satellite.
Photo of a thermal blanket let go from the International Space Station during STS-88, claimed by conspiracy theorists to be the Black Knight satellite.


The origin of the Black Knight legend is often “retrospectively dated” back to natural extraterrestrial repeating sources heard during the 1899 radio experiments of Nikola Tesla and long delayed echos first heard by amateur radio operator Jorgen Hals in Oslo, Norway in 1928. According to the Daily Express, “the noises from 1899 and 1928 remain a mystery, but the possible causes do not so far include an alien satellite, according to scientists.”

Is this the Black Knight satellite releasing two ships, close to the ground? That is for all of you to decide on your own.
Is this the Black Knight satellite releasing two ships, close to the ground? That is for all of you to decide on your own.

This subject opens up so many more questions than it answers. Is it extraterrestrial? Is it man made? Or is it just a piece of space trash? Let me know your theories in the comments below.

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