She Geek Critique – Boys Will Be Boys

If you know me at all or if you’re a regular listener of GW1, you know I’ve been excited for the live action series The Boys. Well this past weekend it finally hit Amazon Prime – and of course I watched the entire thing! But the question is whether it’s worth all the hype. 

Simply put: yes, it is. The series sticks close enough to the source material in tone, characterizations and story to keep fans (like me) happy. But the changes that have been made work for the way the series tells the story of this gang trying to make heroes accountable for the collateral damage they cause. And it’s also very accessible for viewers who know little to nothing about the comics. (Which, btw, I covered in a post last year.)

Now, this is not a comicbook show for everyone – it’s most definitely a hard R. Even if you’re fine with the violence and cursing, I’d actually recommend not watching if you’re squeamish or have a sensitive stomach. Much like Preacher (a show with some of the same crew behind it and based on a comic by the same writer), The Boys does not skimp on the blood and guts. If you can make it through the first few minutes of the first episode though, you’ll probably be fine. Additionally, there are extreme adult themes, to the point of being considered “triggery”, but there’s also a nod to the times with a pleasantly surprising strong feminist vibe

Overall, I really enjoyed this first season (it’s already been renewed for a second). It was a touch disappointing that Terror wasn’t in it, but understandable – he’s a massively oversized bulldog that would likely need to be CGI, so budget would be an issue. But they did a fantastic job with casting and the overall feel of the show lines up well with the comic.