Irregular’s Intel – Can Technology Take Us Too Far?

First let me say I am not a Luddite! I wholeheartedly embrace technology and I revel in each advance. I love how so much of the tech in Star Trek: TOS is so 20th Century now. But as I was watching Legion on FX the other night, it occurred to me that NOTHING good comes from time travel. If, by some chance, humankind cracks that code, that will be the end. We can’t even live among ourselves in three dimensions peacefully – add time to that and that’s all she wrote. Our common instinct is to find a way to weaponize the technology and then we get the Time Force! 

Another thing that is hella screwy is AI (artificial intelligence). The idea that a computer can learn and become sentient is cool, but Asimov’s three laws of robotics are BS and will go by the wayside the minute the first computer decides that it would rather be fighting “the man”. I have played video games where the AI figures out your play style and changes tactics accordingly and, I have to admit, it get’s a little scary when you think of the deeper implications.

I haven’t even scratched the surface of how human interaction has changed in the last decade. I mean, we’d rather text than talk and avoid phone calls like the plague. All I am saying is, let’s take a second and think about how much have we really advanced? Maybe I’m putting too much into the issue, but I feel that it is a lot to consider when something that can unite people over the miles can also distract from everyone else in the room with you.