She Geek Critique – Free to Be Geek

For this week’s issue of Geek Watch One (available here), we interviewed nerdcore artists Juice Lee and Alpha Riff. It was great talking to these guys because they are truly passionate about their geek. For them, it’s not just a matter of creating music, but also delving deep into their particular fandoms and exploring aspects that would not otherwise have existed. 

That’s what I think is so great about the world of geek. Sure, you can sit back and enjoy your fandoms, taking pleasure in the results of someone else’s labors. But you can also take the basics and make something new to further your own geek experience and perhaps that of other fans. Whether it’s fan fiction or art or media, the options are endless when it comes to expression. Geeks are more imaginative and creative by nature – just consider the sort of things we’re into and all the debates we have over the smallest details!

I love seeing and talking with geeks who have truly embraced their geekiness and make no apologies for what they love and who they are. Exploring your fandoms, creating your own stories in those worlds (or worlds of your own making), immersing yourself in what provides you pleasure, challenging yourself with what those fandoms mean to you and what it means to be a geek – simply put, never shy away from living your best geek life.