She Geek Critique – Geek Inclusion

As geeks, we know how important it is to find people you identify with and can join in exploring your fandoms. This is true regardless of your upbringing or lifestyle – finding the geek tribe with which you can express your true self just feels right. I was reminded of this once again this past weekend when I attended the inaugural Flaming River Con, the midwest’s first LGBTQ+ geek convention. 

Some of you may be thinking “Cons are open to everyone and pretty inclusive. Why would the LGBTQ community need something of their own?” In one way, you’re right – there’s no reason that anyone in the community can’t attend other cons. But why shouldn’t there be one that celebrates the queer side of geek? That looks at representation in movies, books, comics and more? That brings together people who have felt marginalized, not only for their interests but for their life choices?

As both a geek and a bisexual, it was a breath of fresh air to hear people talking about queer presence and representation in the geek realm. I even learned about some comics and books to search for involving themes and characters I identify with. And the overall vibe of the con was so positive and uplifting, with everyone able to be their true selves with no judgment. It was truly a community coming together to celebrate what we love. I applaud Flaming River Con for putting together such a great event, especially considering it was only the first year for it. It epitomized “small, but mighty” and I hope it thrives for many years to come.