She Geek Critique – Rise of Comic Films

I was looking back at some of the first blog entries I posted on this site and had to laugh. Back in 2015 (yes, we’ve had an online presence for four years already!), I wrote about the prevalence of comicbook movies and how people complain about there being too many. The funny thing is, the number of such movies released each year hasn’t even increased, but attitudes have changed significantly. 

It may have taken a few years, but superhero and other comicbook movies are mainstream now. They get the biggest box office takes and sometimes even get recognized on a critical level (a prime example of that is Black Panther). Audiences flock to them for the great stories, fantastic action and amazing special effects. Not only do you no longer need to consider yourself a geek to appreciate these movies – being a geek is now the thing!

It’s satisfying being able to discuss comicbook movies with norms now – I’m the resident expert in my office because coworkers know I’ve been a geek since before it was cool! I even make sure they all know the latest movies coming out by sending around links to new trailers at least once a month. Anything I can do to ensure these movies continue to attract audiences!