She Geek Critique – Trying Something New

There comes a time when you feel the need to switch things up a bit. For my blog, that time is now. When I first started, I was definitely more in a “musings” state of mind. But as time has gone on, I’ve had more of an urge to write critically, to give my opinions, be more definitive in what I’m saying. So I thought I’d go ahead and rename my blog to reflect that. 

If you’ve been paying attention, you know that She-Hulk is one of my favorite characters (thus the colors and font choice). You also know that I’m all about strong female characters in general. So I wanted a stronger blog name and logo to reflect what I’m really about. No, this is not going to suddenly become a weekly feminist diatribe or something. Really, it’s not changing much at all – I’m still spouting my opinions on all things geek.

So that’s all it is, a new name, new look, same me. (And to be honest, I’m not quite 100% behind the new logo, so that might change a little more.) And, as always, I welcome all comments, suggestions and differing opinions. Because if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s arguing my side of things.

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