Whatz Your Geek? – Missy Goes Vintage


This week we learn what my friend Missy’s geek is.

VR: What’s your geek?
M: Vintage, retro, antiques

VR: How did you get into that?
M: I think I’ve always been into eclectic art and vintage. A lot of nostalgic reasons but I just think it’s really cool. I’m a lover of “different” unique and expressionism, outside the box. Cookie cutter is too boring.

VR: What would be your favorite memory?
M: My favorite memories are going to vintage thrift stores as a kid. My mom thought of it as getting things used for cheap, but I thought it was like a treasure hunt. You never know what you’ll find!

VR: Anything thing else you would like to tell us?
M: I’ve gotten a keen eye through the years of picking. I know the good stuff.

Thanks Missy.

If you would like to share your “geek” with us you can email me at firerose79@live.com or kylanandken@gmail.com. Just put “Whatz Your Geek?” in the subject line.

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