V-Yellow’s Comic Box – Civil War II

VernComicThere is news going around about a Marvel Civil War II comic. The new one is going to focus on the conflict between Ironman and Captain Marvel. This will also be the debut of a new superhero figure who will be able to predict the future with near perfect accuracy, creating the premise of the story.

The mysterious new character comes to the attention of the world and the power will divide the Marvel heroes. Captain Marvel will try to capitalize on the new found hero’s power by stopping crimes from happening before they occur. But Ironman has an issue with convicting people of a crime if it hasn’t happened yet.CW2

In the first Civil War storyline we witnessed the death of a couple of characters. But probably the most significant event in the book was seeing Captain America getting shot at the end. It’s only right that Marvel kills off another important hero this time around. Spiderman and Human Touch were name dropped as characters who might die in this second storyline. The writers, however, have said they have chosen another character to die.

I will be picking up this book once it is released later this year. More than likely it will drop around the same time as the Captain America: Civil War movie. I personally would like if they released this book next year so fans of the film won’t be confused on the differences between the old book and the new one. None the less I will probably still enjoy the story. Now I am going off to listen to Guns N’ Roses.

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