Category Archives: She Geek Critique

She Geek Critique – Polite Punks

This past weekend, I went to the International Steampunk Symposium in Cincinnati (take a listen to issue 100 for background, as well as this week’s issue to find out more). I’ve probably mentioned this before, but I’ve been into steampunk for a long time, before it actually had a name. I was into the alternative history stories, books and movies since I was young. And about a decade ago, when the genre was picking up steam (so to speak) and becoming more of a culture of its own, I started seeking it out at conventions.  Continue reading She Geek Critique – Polite Punks

She Geek Critique – Good Ol’ Days of Krull

We all know that nostalgia puts a shiny, happy filter on the past, making it difficult to find fault in the things we love. As geeks, we know this all too well as the games, comics and movies of our youths are a beacon of what made us who we are. I was reminded of this over the weekend when I watched a movie I hadn’t seen in a very long time: Krull.   Continue reading She Geek Critique – Good Ol’ Days of Krull

She Geek Critique – Return of a Lust for Life

Twenty years ago, the world was introduced to Renton, Sick Boy, Begbie and Spud, as Irvine Welsh’s characters were brought to life on the big screen in Trainspotting. For those unfamiliar with the original, it’s the story of lower-class Scottish lads, most of whom are junkies, and the scheme they come up with to make some quick cash. Trainspotting 2 catches up to see where life has taken each of them and how, once again, they end up concocting another money making scheme.  Continue reading She Geek Critique – Return of a Lust for Life

She Geek Critique – A Shell of a Film

I think the first thing I should mention, as this is a review of a live-action version of an anime, is that I hate anime. The Japanese animation style does nothing for me and I’m not a fan of their style of storytelling. So, obviously, I have not seen the original Ghost in the Shell anime movie or series. But for the sake of geekdom (and the fact we were going to talk about it on GW1 anyway), I saw the movie.  Continue reading She Geek Critique – A Shell of a Film

She Geek Critique – Finding Homer

Over the past week I was finally able to find some time to watch The OA. (I’ve heard so much talk about it!) For those not familiar, this is a Netflix series about a young woman, Prairie Johnson, who was missing for seven years and returns home. Seems like a straightforward sort of drama, right? Well, there’s more than one twist to the story, the first of which is the fact that when Prairie went missing she was blind and when she returns her sight has been restored. But that’s just the beginning.  Continue reading She Geek Critique – Finding Homer