Comics Cosmos – Comicbook Pinup

Everyone who is even vaguely aware of pinups has heard the name Bettie Page. She is, perhaps, the most iconic pinup girl from the 1950s. What many may not know, however, is that she has appeared in comics since the 1980s, when she was the inspiration for the female love interest of the Rocketeer. And Dynamite took that one step further with their comic Bettie Page: Bettie in Hollywood

The comic is a depiction of events chronicled in Bettie’s allegedly secret diary (now declassified) and takes her in a completely unexpected direction. Starting with a photo shoot (not surprisingly), she escapes a raid and takes off for Hollywood. Bettie ends up cast in a cheesy sci-fi flick, playing the Queen of the Space Commies… and that’s not even the strange part. She discovers there’s a cult attempting to use a mind control device as part of the film and, well, we get a bit of Bettie Page, action hero.

Volume 1 is a fun read, even if the plot is pretty predictable and not all that original. But it’s filled with a lot of Bettie’s iconic looks. Plus, there are evil scientists and secret agencies and Soviet spies… what more could you ask for?! It’s cheese plus cheesecake.

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