Irregular’s Intel – Barbecue: A Religious Experience

Last week I headed down to West Tennessee to visit family and to take my wife to the Memphis In May International Barbecue Competition. It had been almost 20 years since I had been and it was high time that my wife got to experience the awesomeness as well. Now, the thing that you must understand when it comes to Memphis, TN and barbecue…it is religion. Barbecue is a food, not a way of cooking and you better be talking about charcoal because “gas” is a four letter word. And  to share barbecue with someone is an almost religious experience. To share barbecue that you made even more so. 

This may sound silly, but BBQ is serious business where I come from. It is a rite of passage when you’re allowed to watch the grill… and I never did until I got my own. Now, I did get to observe, study and learn certain techniques. I even got to sit next to the grill with my grandfather for a bit. But, if you ask anyone who grew up this way, the image is always the same. Solitary individual, listening to music, smelling and insuring that the charcoal is just right, and a beverage of choice in hand. It doesn’t matter how hot or cold it is, that person is having a quiet and spiritual experience next to that grill. Even now, my wife has to pull me away.

With summer knocking at the door and so much meat ready to meet fire, it is time to reacquaint myself with my old friend. I get the feeling that this summer, we are gonna spend a lot of time together. Heck, probably beyond, too.

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