Irregular’s Intel – The Battle of Serenity Valley

Blog-IIAny Browncoat (i.e., fan of Firefly) knows that the Battle of Serenity Valley was the final decisive battle of the Unification War. Out of that came the phrase “I may have been on the losing side, but I don’t believe that it was the wrong side”.

Following the election results this week, I responded to a Facebook posting with: “The Battle of Serenity Valley?”. To which a friend responded: “No, that was the end”. As I read that it put steel in my back, pulled my shoulders up and pushed my chest out. To those who are disenfranchised, who worry that the forward strides that we’ve made as a people are going to be taken away, don’t! Now is the time for us as a people to stand together to protect the rights of all. Now is the time for us to show that America was already great and will continue to be so. Now is the time to say no to fear, no to hate, no to bigotry.

Now, I’m not writing this to vilify anyone. I am, however, saying that a lot went down before hand to get us to where we are right now. So, instead of pointing fingers and attacking, let’s be about solutions and preventative actions. When you see bigotry, call it out. When you see sexism, call it out! When you see bullying, call it out! No, this is not the Battle of Serenity Valley, but it is the beginning of a time to step out from the sidelines and be truly active in our communities. It is our time to make a difference.

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