Irregular’s Intel – Good Writing

We live in a time where published authors don’t even blink at the notion of writing for a comic. Stephen King, Gail Carriger and Ray Bradbury have all had their works adapted to comics. By the same token, Margaret Atwood, Chuck Palahniuk and Ta-Nehisi Coates have all written for comics. Does that blow your mind? That’s how far we have come. Good stories don’t just have to come from a traditional novel/short story, movie or tv show. It can happen in a graphic novel or even a video game! I bet now you think that I’m just messin’ with ya… well, I’m not. 

Last November, on the day that Stan Lee passed away, I had managed to complete Spider-Man (the game). The story was probably the best Spidey story I had ever come across. I was sad because I would have loved to have either read it as a graphic novel or to have seen it on the big screen. There are 2 scenes towards the end of the game that just ripped my heart out and  brought tears to my eyes. One scene in particular did the same for Dawn, who was busy with something else while I was finishing the game. It was so full of heart and it was so true to those characters… I still feel something now as I think back on it.

The same could be said for a song, poem or whatever it is that you’re reading. All I am saying is, be open to whatever you happen to come across. Don’t assume that a certain format is either going to guarantee a great story or not. I have had my share of “whatever” moments from “great films” and I have been emotionally floored from a comic. That being said, I hope that it opens you up to other avenues to enjoy good writing and strong storytelling.