Irregular’s Intel – The Other Half of Self Improvement

For the last nine months or so, I have been on a journey of self-improvement. I’ve embraced positivity, transparency and have consciously begun making “mostly” healthy choices. I look back and I’m not the same person that I was 12 months ago and it feels good. But, in chatting with a colleague, I have learned there is a whole other half to self-improvement: letting go of your past. 

What started as a chat about boxing wraps turned into an in-depth conversation about inspiration and believing in yourself. Part of that is ignoring the negative self-talk that keeps bringing up what is behind you. The past doesn’t define you unless you want it to. You define who you are… and this is me telling me this. I pride myself on being legit, and I am seeing that includes living all of the inspirational stuff that I spout and share.

So remember: you can do anything you put your mind to and you left whatever behind you for a reason. If you want to move forward, put all of your focus on where you are and where you’re going. Tell the negative self-talk to STFU and keep it movin’ because your train ain’t stoppin’ until it gets to Goalsville!!(yeah, I just made that up… feel that!!)