Irregular’s Intel – Saturday Mornings

I remember when Saturday meant a morning filled with cartoons. From Super Friends to Looney Toons and everything in between, it was awesome. I was convinced that I would eventually grow out of it, but I did not. The cartoons just got either super cool or hella weird. In either case, it was one of the things that made Saturdays the best. It wasn’t until I got older and discovered the fall preview issue of the TV Guide that I got so jazzed about Saturday mornings! I could gather intel on the new cartoons coming out for Saturday, as well as the syndicated ones… I was becoming an informed viewer and I loved it! 

As the years wore on, it didn’t matter so much. I got busier and Friday nights would sometimes bleed into Saturday morning. Plus, other channels got into the cartoon game… and then there was the Cartoon Network. It was sheer insanity – cartoons 24/7!! But then, the unthinkable happened… the Saturday morning cartoon went away. Now, if you had cable, no biggie, you had CN. But if you didn’t… you were out of luck. It was nuts!

My niece and nephew growing up in a world without Saturday morning cartoons, but morning news shows instead? Unthinkable! But you can’t miss what you never had, right? I can’t help but feel like the move took something away from them that they’ll never know… the importance of the weekend and that mental break from reality. We know about it because we had it, but the generation behind us? Not so much. I keep hoping that one of my fellow geeksters will take the power that they wield and give the people back the mental break that they have been missing for a while, now.

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