Irregular’s Intel – Sealed With a Diss

You don’t hear them much anymore, but there was a time when artists took their grievances against other artists out in song, or rap, as it were. These were often back and forth releases putting down each other’s lack of prowess on the mike or with the opposite sex. There were some examples of this in rock and pop, but it wasn’t until rap came on the scene that it was taken to a whole different level. 

One beef that I remember in particular was LL Cool J and Kool Moe Dee. What started off as one clowning the other turned into a full on war of words. One that sticks with me the most is Kool Moe Dee’s Let’s Go. It begins with the rapper being interviewed and being asked what did he think of LL’s last song about him. The result was a lyrical litany tantamount to hip hop homicide. Just listen to his alliterative use of words that begin with “L”. It was downright abusive! And, don’t forget when Ice Cube left NWA and they were mouthing off about him and he hit back with No Vaseline. Not long after Easy E left, Dr Dre and Snoop went after him with Dre Day. Eazy came back with Real M*********n’ G’s. Now, with Dre Day, Dre and Snoop took on Luther “Uncle Luke” Campbell, only God knows why. Luther Campbell cannot rap, though I do like his first diss record F*** Martinez, but his comeback to Snoop and Dre, Cowards in Compton, is definitely a low point in diss record history.

But these songs can be fun, too. My personal favorite is Fighting Trousers by chap hop artist Professor Elemental. I do suggest that you enjoy that one while drinking tea! Did I miss any notable diss song? Let me know!