Irregular’s Intel – Some Thoughts on Social Media

I’ve been thinking about the prevalence of social media in modern society. I mean, let’s face it, geek culture thrives, in part, because of it. It is an awesome way to keep contact with friends and family or to even find old acquaintances from the past. It is the best way to keep up with what is going on in the world, your fandom or your neighborhood. These are all good thing, in my opinion. 

But there’s also the ugly underbelly where the trolls reside. They hide behind their keyboards spewing their vitriol, sowing discord among those of us just hoping to find a bit of happiness in the world… and that’s the other thing, too. It is so easy to get caught up in the latest tweet or post that we miss connecting with those around us, with being active and living life. I don’t believe that was the initial intent, but it is certainly where many of us are.

I hope that I don’t sound like someone who should be wearing a sandwich board sign and screaming “STAY AWAY FROM THA INTERWEBS, THEY GUNNA GITCHA!”, because that’s not my intent. I am writing this as a reminder to myself as much as everyone who’s reading this to keep a balance. It’ll remind you that life isn’t all doom and gloom and, sometimes, the people around you can be ok to chat with. Just take 5 minutes to unplug on occasion – your brain and your mood will thank you!