Tag Archives: social media

Irregular’s Intel – Some Thoughts on Social Media

I’ve been thinking about the prevalence of social media in modern society. I mean, let’s face it, geek culture thrives, in part, because of it. It is an awesome way to keep contact with friends and family or to even find old acquaintances from the past. It is the best way to keep up with what is going on in the world, your fandom or your neighborhood. These are all good thing, in my opinion.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Some Thoughts on Social Media

Irregular’s Intel – Using the Ban Hammer

In this time of heated discussion and uncivil discourse, the battleground tends to be social media. It’s there that we either express ourselves in 140 characters or less, or post a meme or video expressing our thoughts on certain subjects. Now, in doing this, some have taken to using incendiary language or disrespectful images to get their point across. For all of the communication going on, language and images are used as blunt objects as opposed to instruments that require finesse.  When this happens and arguing is too exhausting we have the option to unfollow, block, ban or completely unfriend.

Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Using the Ban Hammer