Irregular’s Intel – What Made You?

I was having a conversation with someone and we were talking about how all of us had shit to go through. It’s true, you know. Mine may not be like yours and vice versa, but we have all gone through the grinder in one form or another. The thing is, that is a part of what made you who you are today. Do you like yourself? Be thankful for those experiences. If not, still be thankful because it served to either strengthen you or teach you a lesson – either way, it is a good thing. I think that we get too caught up in the surface of it all, the obvious negativity of said experiences. That is so easy to do, but don’t forget the strength and knowledge that you gained from it. 

I have been in a reflective state of mind lately and I have learned that the person I am today is not just the result of my victories and successes – I am a product of my mistakes, failures and opportunities as well. I stand here as someone who is vastly different from who I was 365 days ago, I am different from who I was 182.5 days ago… I am not even the same person that I was when I began writing this blog. The thing is, we evolve – or at least we should. We should be always learning, changing, doing something different than the day before. It sounds like so much self help BS, I know, but it is still true.

Ultimately, what I am saying comes down to a three part message:

  1. Embrace all that you are because right now you are your best self and you can build on that.
  2.  Don’t run from change. Grow in some way everyday. Do something scary… get out of your comfort zone.
  3.  Eliminate negativity from you life, be it habits, people or your environment. Growth happens when there’s positivity around. You’d be surprised how your life will turn around when you expel those presences and practices that are pulling you down.

Any questions or comments, hit me up!

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