Miss Dawn’s Musings – Choosing the Canadian Side

Blog-MDMA couple of months ago (right here) I wrote about Canadian superheroes and mentioned that Prime Minister Trudeau would be appearing in a Marvel comic. Well last week he made his appearance in one of the stories in Civil War II: Choosing Sides

It might seem to some like a publicity stunt for a politician to pop up in a comic. But this instance doesn’t feel that way. The premise of this part of the story is that Alpha Flight seeks advice and approval from the PM – after all, they are representing the entire country through their actions. Once the meeting is over, the scene shifts to a gym where the PM meets with Tony Stark, apparently a regular sparring partner.trudeau-over

It makes sense that a team would consult a political authority – it’s refreshing actually, considering how often “rulers” get ignored in comics as the heroes go off and fight whoever they need to with relative impunity. And it’s good that Trudeau was made an actual character who was part of the plot and not just a fleeting mention or one panel appearance.

Yes, they do throw in a few funny Canadianisms (how could they not?), but they’re not silly or over the top. The overall tone of the plot remains serious but not dark, and it fits well with the larger Civil War II story line.

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