Comics Cosmos – The Runaways

ccWith so many comic book properties in the works for movies and television, we thought it might be a good idea to introduce (in a relatively non-spoilery way) properties that some people may not know much about. We’ll get things started with The Runaways, which was recently announced as receiving a full season order from Hulu.

The series is a bit of a different take on the usual group of superheroes – as you may have guessed, these heroes are a group of young adults. They come together upon discovering their parents are part of a villainous organization called The Pride and they subsequently run away from home. Using resources and weapons obtained from their parents, along with abilities they discover they have inherited, they work to put right what their parents have done wrong.runaways

The “super” powers of the group are a lot of the usual, but it’s an interesting mix. Telepath, witch, alien, time traveler, cyborg, shape-shifter – there’s even a genetically engineered dinosaur from the future. But there are also a couple of members who are simply enhanced humans, like the son of a mad scientist and a child prodigy (with mobster parents).

Even though the focus here is young adults, the comic is not as light as YA tends to be and it’s doubtful the Hulu series will be. There is violence, death, serious family and relationship issues – everything you could want in an engrossing plot. It will be interesting to see such a mix of powers and serious storylines.

If you’re interested in reading The Runaways before the Hulu series premieres, the title is available in a few volumes – and there’s more than enough time to get through all of them.

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