Tag Archives: books

Whatz Your Geek? – Sarah the Librarian

VickyV: What shall we call you?
SG: Sarah Granville

V: Tell us a little about yourself.
SG: I’m a librarian primarily working with teenagers, born and raised in NE Ohio. My brother says I found a perfect job to use my useless knowledge. I like to think of myself as a professional geek! My turn-offs are intolerant people… sorry, wrong form!

Continue reading Whatz Your Geek? – Sarah the Librarian

Irregular’s Intel – New Pulp: Classic Action For a New Age

IrregularIntelThe summer of 1984 found me reading the adventures of Remo Williams: The Destroyer, The Soldiers of Barrabas, The Phoenix Force, and a handful of other action novels that were in print. It also introduced me to the character that would forever change my life: Buckaroo Banzai! Dr. Banzai was an astrophysicist, neurosurgeon, rock star, race car driver, presidential adviser, martial arts master, and about a dozen other things that I could mention here. He is the reason why I do all the things and stretch my horizons more and more on a daily basis. At any rate, the character was inspired by the pulp character Doc Savage. The world he lived in was very similar to that of Flash Gordon, The Phantom, The Spider, The Shadow, and the host of pulp figures who came before. I gained an appreciation for these two-fisted heroes of daring do who fought evil, regardless of the odds… and usually got the dame at the end. I still love those books. But, last weekend at the Akron Comic Con I was introduced to something else… something I never knew existed… NEW PULP! Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – New Pulp: Classic Action For a New Age

Best Geeky Finds – A Dragon of a Different Color

bestgeekyfinds We’ve all seen what one small decision or change in structure can create for parallel worlds. Micky Smith is Ricky without his grandmother’s death. The Summer of Love never ended with Oliver North as President. If you add a beard to anybody, you know you’ve met the evil version of them. But what if differences even simpler than that created a completely different universe? The Drakoto City Stories: The Cougar and the Dragon tells the story of two characters from two such worlds. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – A Dragon of a Different Color

Best Geeky Finds – Catch Me When I Fall by Vicki Leigh

bestgeekyfindsIt’s the same dream every night. You’re enjoying a day at the beach with all of your closest friends, having lunch the way it was meant to be eaten — from a picnic basket. Nothing could go wrong. Then you look over at the lake. Before you can think about what is happening, three crocodiles come at you and your friends, intent on their own lunch. This is your worst fear, and has been the nightmare possessing your mind for the past week.

Your Protectors of the Night must have their work cut out for them if so many Nightmares are able to feed. Nightmares — demonic beings that infiltrate our minds and feed on our fears, forcing us to think of these when our minds are vulnerable — would be extremely powerful, creating constant fear if it were not for the Dreamcatchers and Dreamweavers assigned to everybody. These protectors combat the Nightmares and create pleasant dreams to replace the fears in our minds. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Catch Me When I Fall by Vicki Leigh