Tag Archives: memories

Irregular’s Intel – Remembering “The Champ”

Blog-IIBack before cable, regular TV would actually show major boxing matches. When I was a kid, I didn’t like boxing, it just looked like two guys punching each other in a square. But things changed when I watched Muhammad Ali! I’d love to hear Howard Cosell interview him and how Ali talked about how pretty he was and he was the greatest of all time. Even back then, if someone said that about themselves you could hear the collective eyeroll, but Muhammad Ali backed it up. He’d get in that ring and be so light on his feet and yet hit so hard!! I couldn’t imagine what a right hook from him would feel like. But there was so much more about him to appeal to the kid in me. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Remembering “The Champ”

Irregular’s Intel – For Brandon

IrregularIntelI generally don’t get very personal in my writing. I mean, I’ll share my opinion or maybe a bit of my background, but honestly that is safe territory for me. But, earlier this week I had a chance FB reunion with an old friend who was digging my geek and mentioned a close friend we had in common and I was reminded of the impact that he had on me. If anything, he was the one who opened my eyes to the freedom of being true to yourself… This is for my friend, Brandon. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – For Brandon