Tag Archives: sci-fi

Best Geeky Finds – Stop the Loop!

Who is in charge of cleaning up all the time issues created as a result of Doc Brown and Marty’s shenanigans? Sure, Marty destroyed the DeLorean upon returning to 1985, but the Brown family had that extraordinary time traveling locomotive. Bringing Marty’s parents together and giving his father confidence did more than help give birth to 3 successful children. It made his father an author and made Biff a servant. This wasn’t supposed to happen though. These are all time paradoxes, also known as anomalies.

And Teddy takes care of these anomalies.  Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Stop the Loop!

She Geek Critique – Finding Homer

Over the past week I was finally able to find some time to watch The OA. (I’ve heard so much talk about it!) For those not familiar, this is a Netflix series about a young woman, Prairie Johnson, who was missing for seven years and returns home. Seems like a straightforward sort of drama, right? Well, there’s more than one twist to the story, the first of which is the fact that when Prairie went missing she was blind and when she returns her sight has been restored. But that’s just the beginning.  Continue reading She Geek Critique – Finding Homer

Irregular’s Intel – Go Go Power Rangers: The Review

Ok, before you roll your eyes too hard, Power Rangers is not really a kids’ movie. Even the wife said, “ I like it. Had it not been titled Power Rangers, I would have taken it for a sci-fi action movie. And Rita was scary!” Yes, that is a direct quote. This is a reboot, I guess, of the original series and the original rangers are all here, Jason Scott, Trini Kwan, Kimberly Hart, Zack Taylor and Billy Cranston. They are all in Angel Grove, too. Along with a few other bits, all of the basic components are present, but that is where the similarities stop.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Go Go Power Rangers: The Review

Best Geeky Finds – Domo Arigato…

I have always been a fan of stories featuring unreliable narrators. To Kill a Mockingbird. “Jose Chung’s from Outer Space” from the X-files. And now, Mr. Robot.

So who is Mr. Robot? I won’t say (spoilers!). I will say it could be Elliot (Rami Malek), a socially awkward, clinically depressed computer hacker. It could be the strange man in a computer shop jacket (Christian Slater) who confronts Elliot on the subway about his plan to destroy E(vil) Corp. It could be any one of the “fsociety” hackers who start a spiral of attacks on Evil Corp and every person’s account in debt to the company. Mr. Robot could be anybody we meet in the first season of Mr. RobotContinue reading Best Geeky Finds – Domo Arigato…