Tag Archives: YouTube

Irregular’s Intel – Playing in the Gray

Recently, I had the privilege of watching the first two episodes of the upcoming YouTube Red series Cobra Kai, which follows the story of Daniel Larusso and Johnny Lawrence about 34 years after the events in The Karate Kid. Generally, YouTube Red has not presented anything that even remotely interested me, but I was intrigued by this, at least for the sake of nostalgia. Add to that a one night only showing of The Karate Kid on the big screen and I was hooked! Well, after viewing the first two episodes I can tell YouTube Red to shut up and take my money, at least for this series, and here is why.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Playing in the Gray

Irregular’s Intel – The Battle for Epicness

We’ve done it with our fandoms from the playground on. Who is faster, Flash or Superman? Who is the best fighter, Batman or Daredevil? Who is stronger, Hulk or Thor? And so on, and so on. We’ve seen these battles play out on our comic pages and, back in the day, Wizard Magazine would write out these elaborate scenarios to see who would best the other. But then, with the accessibility of the internet and our fruitful imaginations, things changed.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – The Battle for Epicness