V-Yellow’s Comic Box – Female Superheros

VernComicI wonder how many female character leads we’ll see in DC and Marvel films. I know that Warner Bothers will begin filming the first live action Wonder Woman movie starring Gal Gadot this month. While Marvel studios are working on a Captain Marvel movie in 2018. I will include the upcoming Supergirl series on CBS staring Melissa Benoist and Jessica Jones series on Netflix starring Krysten Ritter, but that’s all we’ve seen or heard from as far as a standalone superhero movie in recent years. Yes, Scarlett Johanson has been a big part of Marvel’s cinematic universe but she hasn’t been in her own movie.

Now I’m not complaining I’m just curious on how long it will take until they expand more on their female leads. There are movies in the works up to the year 2020 as of right now and I know that there will be movies even after that. But what could they be? Maybe a Spiderwoman film, a She-Hulk movie, Powergirl and Huntress, an Elektra series, a Zatanna movie? I think out of all of these we would possibly see a Zatanna movie done first from DC since Marvel is introducing a magic charter with the Doctor Strange film or they might just wait to do something with Justice League Dark. Personally I would love to see them do something with She-Hulk and Elektra. If they do anything with Elektra instead of a movie make a series on Netflix like they did Daredevil. But with all of these super heroines to choose from we could see any one of them in the near future.

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