Whatz Your Geek? – Robin

Blog-WYGThis week I got to interview Heather Hopp’s cousin Robin. Let’s see what her geek is.

VR: What’s your name?
R: My name is Robin and I’m not Batman. Not that I would tell you if I was.

VR: Tell us about yourself.
R: I was born and I’m now doing stuff. I hope to continue doing so for awhile.

VR: What’s your geek?
R: My geek is me.

VR: How did you get into your geek?
R: uh…. I was born this way, duh.! And , you know, older cousins infected me.

VR: Favorite geek memory?
R: Being like five and playing Risk with my cousin Heather and my dad, then him being banned from playing with the black set, when he named them The Black Death.

VR: Anything else you like to tell us?
R: erm…..uh…. Yeah…. and…. you know….. Nope I got nothing.

Thanks Robin. If you would like to be interviewed for “Whatz Your Geek” send me an email at firerose@live.com or geekwatchone@gmail.com. Just put “Whatz Your Geek” in the subject line.

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