The Gamer Geek Blog – Sun and Moon

Blog-GGSo, um, yeah last week was very very interesting. Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow got re-released on the 3DS for Pokemon’s 20th anniversary and then they showed the logos for the mainstream games… Pokemon Sun and Moon. And the internet being the internet wouldn’t shut up about how all they showed was logos. People started making memes – some of which are actually pretty funny – but my favorite part of all this is the fact the “smarter” people on YouTube have voiced thoughts on the games and something stood out to me. Gaijin Goombah thinks that the Sun and Moon will have something to do with Amaterasu and Susanoo; according to Japanese mythology, they got married then divorced and that’s why we have day and night. He also thinks that we’re going to be going back to Japan this time around. Just go watch the video, he explains things well and I hope he’s right about alot of what he’s predicting.

That’s it for me!

See you all in the next level!

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