V-Yellow’s Comic Box – Thoughts on B v. S

Blog-VYCBNext month will be the release of Batman v. Superman and fans have been waiting for over a year for this movie. I’ve been in anticipation of this thing since I heard about it two years ago. At first I was upset with the casting, but as time went by I became more interested with the material that Zack Snyder would reveal. When I first heard that they would not be making a stand-alone sequel to Man of Steel I was mad that they made that decision. As soon as I heard that they cast Ben Affleck to be our new Batman I thought that was stupid. I will admit I was one of the haters that thought Ben Afleck wouldn’t even look good in the suit – boy was I wrong. I was mad when they cast Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luther. I even made a blog on Comic Vine ranting on how upset I was with their decision. I still think he looks a little goofy as Lex, but I’m glad that they are bringing back the scientist aspect to the character and the picture of him with a bald head looks pretty intimidating.

And to top it off I could not believe they were putting Wonder Woman in the film and that they got Gal Gadot from the Fast and the Furious series to portray the character. Seriously, the skinny chick from the Fast and the Furious films? But now that I have seen her in costume I have faith in her.

I think Warner Brothers and Zack Snyder will make a good comic book adaptation of these characters. I am very excited to see what they result of this will be. I hope it surprises all of the people that doubted it and makes everyone who has been supportive of this film happy. Unlike with Marvel, I have no idea what will happen after this movie comes out. The reason I’m saying this is because I don’t think Marvel will ever make a bad movie again. They have so many good titles under their belt it will be hard for DC to catch up with them in box office sales. I do think Batman v. Superman will do good, but not as well as Civil War. If it does surpass Marvel, well that would make my year.

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