Irregular’s Intel – The Geek Holiday Survival Guide

Some of us are going to be spending time with groups of people who are outside of our norm. They just don’t get us. Why are we so weird? What is that book? What is an RPG? As geeks, we can isolate ourselves from the “norms” and get lost in our world because we surround ourselves with others like us. But once the holidays come around, we get that stark reminder – but that is OK! I am here to give you the survival guide to get you through! 

Pack 2-3 graphics/trades, all different genres. You don’t know what mood you’ll be in when too much becomes too much, so be prepared. Cue up the nerdcore channel on Pandora. Remember, music can soothe the savage beast! Also, pack a collection of short stories along with whatever novel you’re reading at the time. There may be times when the best you can muster is a brief blast of “me time” and at least a short story is a one shot and you won’t run the risk of getting caught up in an epic battle that you’ll have to wait until dark 30 to finish because you’re hanging out at Aunt Louise’s for the day.

Notice that, outside of Pandora, I have not mentioned downloading the latest apps. #1 people don’t care that you’re on your phone, #2 you don’t want to be seen as rude and #3 I think holding that book is an easy way to tether yourself while you’re trying to deal. I hope that these tips help. Happy Holidays and Peace!

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