Category Archives: Best Geeky Finds

Best Geeky Finds – Have a Holly Jolly Betamaxmas

bestgeekyfinds It’s less than one week until Thanksgiving (here in the US), but one wouldn’t realize it was still that early by watching store shelves and television. We have been in full-Christmas swing since September, with Thanksgiving merchandise going to clearance before the Halloween shelves are emptied. When it comes to television though, there’s something about holiday specials that aren’t the same as they used to be. We may still get the Peanuts every year, but no more Garfield. Never will we see classic Muppets specials or the scarred Star Wars Christmas special on television. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Have a Holly Jolly Betamaxmas

Best Geeky Finds – The Nation’s Favorite New-Time Podcast in the Style of Old-Time Radio

bestgeekyfindsSince this has been a crazy week for me with issues at work and with my flaky computer, I haven’t been able to geek out about new finds. I can’t let other geeksters down though, which is why I’m letting people know about an amazing podcast/theatre show that I have learned recently many people are still unaware of.  Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – The Nation’s Favorite New-Time Podcast in the Style of Old-Time Radio

Best Geeky Finds – The New Ms. Marvel

bestgeekyfindsI’ll admit it: I’m not a huge fan of Marvel comics. The comics in general, not the company. I love the Marvel movies and try to keep up with all the latest news and storylines in them, but when it comes to comic stories, I’m more of a DC person. That is, until I started hearing everybody (and when I say everybody, I mean everybody – NPR, Nerdist, The Indoor Kids, etc.) rave about one particular character – Ms. Marvel. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – The New Ms. Marvel

Best Geeky Finds – Musical Princesses and Some Ghostly Gifts

bestgeekyfindsImagine what Disney movies would be like if only the princesses and princes were allowed to sing, and not the villains. For one, we wouldn’t have the fantastic homoerotic song about Gaston, or the epically explained plans of Ursula. This is the world Muzzled: The Musical takes audiences.

I admit, I’m both a huge Disney princess fan, as well as addicted to the next great unorthodox musical. Give me Dr. Horrible, Bat Boy, or Barackula (it’s Halloween, look it up – it’s fitting) any day. So when I started hearing about a princess musical with both Ashley Clements and Mary Kate Wiles (Lizzie and Lydia Bennet from The Lizzie Bennet Diaries), I was ready. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Musical Princesses and Some Ghostly Gifts

Best Geeky Finds – LARPs

bestgeekyfindsLARPs: “In LARP, or live action role-playing game, players assume the identity of their chosen character and physically perform their actions (as opposed to simply describing them).”

I enjoy cosplaying whenever I have the chance to, and I enjoy playing RPGs of any format, but I have never participated in a LARPing session. The idea does not appeal to me. When I watch the web series LARPs however, I find it difficult not to be entranced by all the possible stories. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – LARPs