Category Archives: movies

Irregular’s Intel – In Defense of the A-Team Movie

Back in 1983, we were treated to what would become a television staple until 1987. The A-Team was the story of a crack commando unit framed for a crime they did not commit, who had escaped from a stockade to the Los Angeles underground to survive as soldiers of fortune. Now, by this point, I was on a steady diet of men’s adventure novels and action movies, so this appealed to me, for a time. I eventually got over the bad guys escaping a building just before a huge explosion and how no one was in any real danger. It turned into a big eyeroll. By the time they did get captured and were converted to a black ops unit, it was too little too late for me. I could say that I look back on the show with fond nostalgia, but after an episode, I remembered why I had checked out.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – In Defense of the A-Team Movie

She Geek Critique – Good Time for Bad Times

When I saw the first trailer for Bad Times at the El Royale, I though “Ok, what’s it supposed to be about?”. Then when I saw the second trailer I thought “Looks interesting. But what’s it supposed to be about?”. This past weekend I saw the movie and realized the trailers were just what they needed to be because, well, you can’t really show much of the plot without giving a lot away.  Continue reading She Geek Critique – Good Time for Bad Times

She Geek Critique – Parasites and Symbiotes

There are some movies you go to theaters to see because you know they will be fantastic experiences. Virtually all MCU films fall into this category, as does one DCEU film (yes, only one). Others you see for the fun of it, not having very high expectations, but hoping the movie will be enjoyable. That’s what you get with VenomContinue reading She Geek Critique – Parasites and Symbiotes