Category Archives: movies

Miss Dawn’s Musings – Female Hero Revolution


Is there a female hero revolution in the works? Over the past few years, “strong female character” has become a desired label on tv shows, in movies and in books. It seems now that it’s finally becoming commonplace and rarely needs to be said. Yet there is still the need for the Bectal test (and, even better, the sexy lamp test, thanks to Kelly Sue DeConnick) and progress is slow. But I think it’s getting somewhere and partly that’s due to an increased female fan base (because women can be geeks too!) and a more open-minded media industry. Things are finally catching up to the real world! Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – Female Hero Revolution

Best Geeky Finds – Tammy and the T-Rex

bestgeekyfindsI have never been a fan of gore. Horror movies that rely of blood and guts disgust me to the point of hating an entire movie even if the plot is good simply because of an absurd amount of gore. For this reason, I often find older and really bad horror and science fiction films that, while the story may be awful, it’s clean enough that I spend the entire time laughing.

The idea of this review began when Kylan posted a facebook survey about how many “bad” movies he had seen (I’ve only seen 36 of 170, but I plan to remedy this). I responded by asking how many of those he had seen he enjoyed.

I realize there are many really bad movies out there that should never have seen the light of day, even if they never reached a movie theater, but there are also many that, while considered “bad,” are enjoyable on different levels.

So this week I review a gem from the depth of the ‘90s: Tammy and the T-Rex. First, check out the trailer. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Tammy and the T-Rex

Miss Dawn’s Musings – Too Many Comic Book Movies?!


“Why are there so many superhero movies?”

“What’s with all the comic book stuff?”

“When is Hollywood going to move on from comics?”

These questions seem to come up a lot from movie-goers, primarily the Norms (i.e., non-geeks). So let me say this first: I enjoy super hero movies and don’t think there are too many of them. Now that that’s out of the way, let me explain.

Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – Too Many Comic Book Movies?!