Comics Cosmos – Beautiful People

cosmos2aImage recently released volume one of The Beauty, collecting the first six issues of the comic by Haun and Hurley. It’s a fascinating premise and if you’re into alternate real world stories, this might be for you.

What if being beautiful was actually a disease? The Beauty drops you into a world where that’s the case and it’s an accepted aspect of society. But not everyone agrees with it, especially considering the fact that it’s a contagious disease. Of course, every disease has a progression and things begin to go badly for the beautiful people before long. There are conspiracies, “terrorists”, potential cures, side effects… a lot goes on in this story. It’s well written and the artwork is very effective. So if you want something that’s engrossing and a bit more real world than many comics, this is a good one to put on your list. But some of the art is adult, so consider that your warning for “sensitive” eyes.

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