Irregular’s Intel – Going Home, Again

As I’m writing this I am preparing for a trip to West Tennessee to visit family, attend the Memphis In May barbecue competition, and take in some geekery. This is usually my aim, with the majority of the geekery being provided by my wife and myself. But, things are a little different this time. The town that I spent the majority of my childhood in now has a comic shop!! Yeah, a small, southern town has a comic shop. I am so jazzed to visit it, and probably buy a thing or two.  

You’ve possibly read my blog about the age of the geek and all of the things that come with that. That being said, I did not foresee the Age of the Geek touching a southern town in such a major way. In my opinion, it is a great beginning to changing the way the South is perceived. I find that my slight sense of misgiving is not as present, that I feel more confident in been my real self.

So I am excited to have a real reason to go into town instead of holing up in my mom’s house or driving to Memphis to get my geek on. Maybe there are other small towns where the geek revolution has taken hold. If so, make sure to support them, even if the online price is better. Investing in the local comic shop, ESPECIALLY in a small town, is an investment in yourself.

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