Irregular’s Intel – Guaranteed Laughs

Blog-IIHow many of you have a song, a joke, or a scene from a show or movie that will put you on the floor, laughing until it hurts every time? You know, that one bit that, regardless of how mad you are or how terrible your day has been, will just wreck you and you can’t explain why? I can luckily say that I have a few of these and I am so glad that I do. Sometimes I just need a laugh or maybe I wanna get launched into silly mode. I feel sorry for my poor wife and dogs because I go into convulsions and my pets think that I’m in distress, not having the time of my life. I discovered that I had the capacity to laugh to the point of nearly passing out when I was a kid, but it took me getting older to understand what could trigger it. Then I started to seek it out in reruns of some of my favorite shows and movies, like Animal House! Yeah… that horse having a heart attack kills me every time!

Then came YouTube, and I could find my fave scenes and laugh my butt off whenever I wanted! Bernie Mac getting punched in the jewels with a boxing glove on a swing arm? Classic! Arthur waking up and passing out when he sees a monkey on a bag of lemon ices looking at him?! Just let me calm down and I’ll be ok! If someone told 5 year old me that 30 years later I’d be able to watch funny stuff whenever I wanted, I’d call them a lying poopy head… and I’d be wrong! So… I’m gonna go watch a horse have a heart attack again, excuse me! LOL!!!

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