Irregular’s Intel – Hats Off to Justin Trudeau

Blog-IIWhat if the POTUS acted like Justin Trudeau?

I’d like to believe that if you’re a reader of this blog, then you’d know who the man is, but if not, I’ll give you a minute to Google him and check out his Wikipedia page…done? Good! Now, seriously, how would we as citizens react to a national leader who is so accessible, so candid, so much like us?

Come on, now, we already know that we wouldn’t like it. It is embedded in our culture that the President should be above the fray, beyond our reach, on some imagined pedestal. Why, heck, I don’t know… maybe it is tied to that Manifest Destiny thing that was our guiding principle back in the late 19th century?

TRUDEAUPersonally, I’d love it. It does my geeky heart good when I see a world leader being human. Remember when President Obama was on the cover of Amazing Spider-Man? And Prime Minister Trudeau is set to play a major role in a Marvel comic, as well! Fresh from participating in Toronto’s Gay Pride Parade, he’s going to be immortalized in the pages of a Marvel comic!!

Now, being a lame duck, President Obama has let his hair down a bit and is being less reserved, which I am happy to see. I prefer a leader who can be Presidential while being human. That is a fine line to walk and not many can do it. But Justin Trudeau and Barack Obama both manage to do it… with style!

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