Irregular’s Intel – Parallel Worlds

Blog-IILast week I was talking with a friend about the concept of parallel universes. I was explaining how modern science has embraced the possibility of there being a multiverse and what that could mean. Of course, there’s the world where I’m clean shaven and a criminal mastermind. But then, there is the other where Dr Banzai does exist and I am a full fledged Blue Blaze Irregular… and the list goes on from there. It made me think about the many times where I discover a facet about myself and wonder what it would be like if I’d dedicated more time to studying music, taken that trip abroad, or took a shot instead of talking myself out of whatever opportunity had crossed my path.

Then again, by the same token, this world is some other world’s parallel universe, too. Maybe there’s a Kylan on Earth 17 that wishes that he had cool geeky friends, a hot wife, and a pretty sweet comic collection? Maybe… and that’s my life, buddy! So, go and write to your pen pal in Poughkeepsie, the one with all of the striped shirts!! Anyway, just remember that for all of the “what if’s” in your head, there’s possibly someone on an Earth not too different from ours wishing that they could be you!

Now, in all reality, I’m doubtful that each of these parallel worlds are that different from this one. Maybe I drive a 4 Runner instead of an Explorer? Or maybe I hate peanut butter but love cheez whiz? Who knows. I’d love to peek inside and see what’s there. Maybe it’s a big snorefest and this world is my best life? If so, I’d be down for that!

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