Irregular’s Intel – Toxic Fandom

If there’s one thing geeks are known for it is being passionate fans of whatever it is they are into. That passion brings with it thoughts, opinions and behaviors that run the spectrum from admirable to down right appalling. Being human, it is something that you come to accept with any community. But, in recent years, it seems that the pendulum has swung to the extreme when it comes to the less appealing side of fandom. 

The most recent example of toxic fandom is the Lady Gaga/A Star is Born vs Venom beef. Now, please note that, for the most part, these movies appeal to two vastly different demographics. But Lady Gaga’s “Little Monsters” (i.e. fans), have started a campaign to discourage people from going to see Venom by criticizing the movie without having even seen it first. Their goal is to ensure that Lady Gaga’s movie gets #1 for the weekend, for whatever reason that matters. I am confused by this effort considering her movie is probably not even on the radar of anyone who would see Venom.

Another example that is more well established is the hate coming from the Star Wars fan boys. The sheer effort that they put into harassing the actors that they feel do not belong in the franchise is disturbing. On top of that, it ultimately hurts the very thing that they love because their negativity is largely tied to race and gender politics. The growth of the franchise depends on the very things that they are fighting against and it is so unfortunate they simply cannot see the harm that they are doing.

Now, let’s look at the MCU. Much of its toxicity comes from the comic reading fans who either don’t like or don’t understand the changes that are made from the book to the screen. For them, unless they are getting legitimate page to screen adaptations, they are not satisfied. Meanwhile, because they are all tied up over the subtle changes in origins, locations, costume colors, they are missing out on well written stories that do take place in the universe that they love.

Toxic fandom is everywhere. There was a time when it was ok to simply ignore it because it was a minority who largely kept to themselves. Now, these people have attracted other trolls to their causes with the goal of wrecking the fandom for everyone. So I encourage you to be just as vocal and do your part to stop toxic fandom in its tracks.