Irregular’s Intel – The Training Montage

 We’ve all seen them. The hero is beaten, shown to be a shadow of his former self, defeated. But then the hero goes back to the basics and starts pumping iron, spending time in the dojo, and on the firing range. They dust off the old skills that served them well in the past and maybe pick up a new trick or two along the way. This isn’t just a scene from any number of cheesy movies, this is a pearl of wisdom for us to grow from. 

When life gets tough maybe we should get physical instead of comfort eating? I mean, really, a few extra reps on the bench press will do more than a chocolate bar would. I am talking to myself here, people. There was a time when once I heard less than stellar news I’d grab my gloves and go a couple of rounds on the heavybag and work up a nice sweat. I have gotten away from that practice and it is going to change.

If you find that you’re going through the same struggle for fitness, check out a good action movie. Personally, I’d suggest Showdown in Little Tokyo or Hard to Kill. Both are really good “comeback” stories and the training sequences are pretty good. Bet you never thought that there could be so much inside of a kitchy movie trope, huh?

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