Irregular’s Intel – In Praise of Independents

In the late 80s there was this terrible TV show based on an awesome comic, Jon Sable, Freelance. The TV show was called Sable and it was largely forgettable, but it did three things for me:

  1. Introduced me to an awesome character that I still admire to this very day
  2. Introduced me to the awesome that is Mike Grell (I didn’t get introduced to Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters until a few years later)
  3. Introduced me to my first independent comic company “First Comics”

Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – In Praise of Independents

Meeple Moments – GM Responsibilities: Beyond the Table

Occasionally we feature a post from our friends at The Malted Meeple. This time around, it’s about Game Masters and the roles they play.

In previous articles, we discussed some of the roles filled by players in a role playing game. Some of these roles involved combat, some involved support. Some were specialized, while others were generalized. In roleplaying games players often get to choose which roles they want to fill; that is often a luxury not available to the Game Master. Of all the people sitting at the table, it is the Game Master who often has the most responsibilities. Some of these responsibilities have nothing to do with role-playing, but they are still important.  Continue reading Meeple Moments – GM Responsibilities: Beyond the Table

Best Geeky Finds – Bring Me to Life (or Death)

Blog-BGFThere are two series I constantly look back at as having been canceled too soon without any suitable conclusion. The first is Dead Like Me.

Dead Like Me, created by Bryan Fuller, is about George Lass (Ellen Muth), a college drop-out who is forced by her mother to take a temp job instead of being a slump at home. Unfortunately for her, the job sucks. Even worse, she is hit by the flaming toilet seat from the deorbiting Mir space station during lunch, killing her instantly. Thankfully, she doesn’t completely die. Reaped by the hot dog salesman who has now met his quota and can pass on, George takes his responsibility and becomes a Grim Reaper herself.  Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Bring Me to Life (or Death)