Best Geeky Finds – Love Is In the Pages

Once again, it is February, and we all know what happens in February. That’s right – Ferris Wheel Day (February 14)! Oh, you were talking about the other, more well-discussed Valentine’s Day? Well I guess this week’s subject really fits more with that holiday so I’ll acknowledge the latter.  Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Love Is In the Pages

Irregular’s Intel – Wake Up Calls

Sometimes life gives us little nudges. First, you get that internal feeling that you need to make a change or do something different with your life or whatever. From there, life will have you run into people that you haven’t seen in a long time, people who may be tied to that thing that life had been nudging you about. Then, it happens. Life hits you over the head with the proverbial frying pan and you can’t ignore it… yep, you’re getting that wake up call!!  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Wake Up Calls

Comics Cosmos – It’s the End of the World, Scoob!

A group of meddling kids and their dog attempting to solve a mystery – that sounds pretty familiar. But what if the group is comprised of an investigative reporter, her loyal cameraman, a scientist, a dog trainer and a dog who happens to be the subject of experiments into creating more sentient canines, and the mystery is the end of the world? Well guess what – that’s exactly what you get with Scooby ApocalypseContinue reading Comics Cosmos – It’s the End of the World, Scoob!

Miss Dawn’s Musings – Sharing What’s Good

This past weekend, my book group (Rubber City Book Posse or RCBP) once again took part in the Akron Family Reading Festival. This was the tenth year for the festival and we have been there for eight or nine of them. We’re a local branch of the global Bookcrossing movement, whose members leave books in random places for people to pick up, swap books with each other and, like us, take part in local events to pass books along to whoever wants them. And this year we managed to release close to 2,000 books!  Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – Sharing What’s Good