She Geek Critique – A Shell of a Film

I think the first thing I should mention, as this is a review of a live-action version of an anime, is that I hate anime. The Japanese animation style does nothing for me and I’m not a fan of their style of storytelling. So, obviously, I have not seen the original Ghost in the Shell anime movie or series. But for the sake of geekdom (and the fact we were going to talk about it on GW1 anyway), I saw the movie.  Continue reading She Geek Critique – A Shell of a Film

Best Geeky Finds – Stop the Loop!

Who is in charge of cleaning up all the time issues created as a result of Doc Brown and Marty’s shenanigans? Sure, Marty destroyed the DeLorean upon returning to 1985, but the Brown family had that extraordinary time traveling locomotive. Bringing Marty’s parents together and giving his father confidence did more than help give birth to 3 successful children. It made his father an author and made Biff a servant. This wasn’t supposed to happen though. These are all time paradoxes, also known as anomalies.

And Teddy takes care of these anomalies.  Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Stop the Loop!

Irregular’s Intel – What is Strength?

Merriam-Webster defines strength as:  the quality or state of being strong :  capacity for exertion or endurance. There are several other definitions, if you care to fact check me, but this is the first one and the one that applies to this piece. Recently, I saw a story on the world news that just tore me up and I was tempted to write about it in last week Irregular’s Intel, but opted for something else because I think I tend to be a bit too heavy, at times. I decided that I’d save it, but then it happened again and gave me even more reason to write this.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – What is Strength?

Playing Around – All in the Reflexes

Last summer, in our GenCon coverage (way back in Issue 67), we shared news of the co-op deck-building game Legendary: Big Trouble in Little China. It was big news at the time because there wasn’t any other game set in that universe – until now. For those who lean more towards playing board games (or if you just can’t get enough of ol’ Jack Burton), Big Trouble in Little China: The Game is currently in development.  Continue reading Playing Around – All in the Reflexes