Category Archives: Comics Cosmos

Comics Cosmos – Mutant Pryde

With the announcement last week that Kitty Pryde and Colossus will be getting married in an upcoming issue of X-Men Gold, it seems like a good time for some background on one of Marvel’s most powerful mutants. Yes, I’m talking about Kitty, not Colossus. Because she was pretty much a kid when she first joined the X-Men, she hasn’t always been given a fair shake as the formidable character she is.  Continue reading Comics Cosmos – Mutant Pryde

Comics Cosmos – A Comic for Readers

OK, yes, all comics are for readers at some level. But the soon-to-be-published The Author’s Apprentice (currently on kickstarter), takes the concept a little more literally. With art by Czech artist Chechula and a story by Jessi Eichberger, this story of a young girl and a mysterious library is for those wanting a little more lit in their comics.  Continue reading Comics Cosmos – A Comic for Readers

Comics Cosmos – Saving the Future By Force

It wasn’t that long ago (barely a couple of weeks, actually) that I wrote about the superhero Faith. Though that was a one-shot holiday special, the ongoing series is a great read as well (and I’ll write about that eventually… promise!). Valiant recently used the character to bring together all of their big heroes in the miniseries Faith and the Future ForceContinue reading Comics Cosmos – Saving the Future By Force